Medical Sector
The initiative is enhancing the accessibility to healthcare for everyone. We envision becoming an international leader in the medical field by becoming one of the largest healthcare service providers in the region. We will demonstrate our unique business value to our specific organization on why it is vital to create this transition. The mother company is “HydraMedica” which manages to interlink and improve the workforce of the medical, administrative, and financial industries, especially “hospitals, clinics, labs, pharmaceuticals, and even pharmacies”. “Bravamedica” for hospital Management that relating to leadership and administration of public health systems, health care systems, hospitals, and hospital networks in all the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
Our company “Astraviva for Pharmaceutical Industries” recently began with a passion for delivering a successful business and serving our community. Establishing “Xalaxa Pharma and Core Pharma” We consistently manufacture high-quality pharmaceuticals and deliver spectacular hospital medical products. Outside of hospitals, we are producing non-pharmaceutical products such as cosmetics and nutritional supplements to be one of the most high-ranked health care companies in Egypt, all while expanding our market share in North Africa & Gulf countries.